Microsoft Azure Powershell On Mac


You can build Azure Service Fabric applications to run on Linux clusters by using Mac OS X. This document covers how to set up your Mac for development.


How to Install PowerShell on a Mac. To install PowerShell on a Mac, just double-click the downloaded.pkg file. It will launch a package installer and install PowerShell like any other application. At the moment, the package doesn’t appear to be signed, so you’ll have to bypass Gatekeeper to install it. To do so, right-click or Ctrl-click.

Azure Service Fabric doesn't run natively on Mac OS X. To run a local Service Fabric cluster, a pre-configured Docker container image is provided. Before you get started, you need:

  • At least 4 GB of RAM.
  • The latest version of Docker.

After the installation is complete Download the Dot Net core SDK for Mac from this link and complete the setup. Following the successful dot net setup run the below command to verify the AzureRm PowerShell is functional. Import-Module AzureRM.NetCore.Preview; Then enter Login-AzureRMAccount to connect to your Azure portal. With the Azure mobile app, you don’t need to be in front of your computer to keep an eye on your Azure resources such as VMs. Microsoft Azure portal Build, manage, and monitor all Azure products in a single, unified console. Run ad hoc Azure CLI or PowerShell commands from the Azure mobile app. Facebook Twitter YouTube. Jul 25, 2019 I am unable to connect to my Azure account using powershell on Mac. I have installed the Powershell.pkg file from the github page. I have also followed the instructions on the official powershell instructions page. I reached out to support and they had advised me to create a post out here. With the Az module, Azure PowerShell is now compatible with PowerShell 5.1 on Windows and PowerShell Core 6.x and later on all supported platforms - including Windows, macOS, and Linux. Az is a new module, so the version has been reset to 1.0.0. Azure Bot Service Intelligent, serverless bot service that scales on demand; Machine Learning Build, train, and deploy models from the cloud to the edge; Azure Databricks Fast, easy, and collaborative Apache Spark-based analytics platform; Azure Cognitive Search AI-powered cloud search service for mobile and web app development; See more.


To install Docker on your Mac, follow the steps in the Docker documentation. After installing, verify your installation.

Create a local container and set up Service Fabric

To set up a local Docker container and have a Service Fabric cluster running on it, perform the following steps:

  1. Update the Docker daemon configuration on your host with the following settings and restart the Docker daemon:

    You can update these settings directly in the daemon.json file in your Docker installation path. You can directly modify the daemon configuration settings in Docker. Select the Docker icon, and then select Preferences > Daemon > Advanced.


    Modifying the daemon directly in Docker is recommended because the location of the daemon.json file can vary from machine to machine. For example,~/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/database/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/etc/docker/daemon.json.


    We recommend increasing the resources allocated to Docker when testing large applications. This can be done by selecting the Docker Icon, then selecting Advanced to adjust the number of cores and memory.

  2. In a new directory create a file called Dockerfile to build your Service Fabric Image:


    You can adapt this file to add additional programs or dependencies into your container.For example, adding RUN apt-get install nodejs -y will allow support for nodejs applications as guest executables.


    By default, this will pull the image with the latest version of Service Fabric. For particular revisions, please visit the Docker Hub page

  3. To build your reusable image from the Dockerfile open a terminal and cd to the directly holding your Dockerfile then run:


    This operation will take some time but is only needed once.

  4. Now you can quickly start a local copy of Service Fabric, whenever you need it, by running:


    Provide a name for your container instance so it can be handled in a more readable manner.

    If your application is listening on certain ports, the ports must be specified by using additional -p tags. For example, if your application is listening on port 8080, add the following -p tag:

    docker run -itd -p 19080:19080 -p 8080:8080 --name sfonebox microsoft/service-fabric-onebox

  5. The cluster will take a moment to start. When it is running, you can view logs using the following command or jump to the dashboard to view the clusters health http://localhost:19080:

  6. To stop and cleanup the container, use the following command. However, we will be using this container in the next step.

Known Limitations


The following are known limitations of the local cluster running in a container for Mac's:

  • DNS service does not run and is not supported Issue #132

Set up the Service Fabric CLI (sfctl) on your Mac

Follow the instructions at Service Fabric CLI to install the Service Fabric CLI (sfctl) on your Mac.The CLI commands support interacting with Service Fabric entities, including clusters, applications, and services.

  1. To connect to the cluster before deploying applications run the command below.

Create your application on your Mac by using Yeoman

Service Fabric provides scaffolding tools that help you to create a Service Fabric application from the terminal by using the Yeoman template generator. Use the following steps to ensure that the Service Fabric Yeoman template generator is working on your machine:

  1. Node.js and Node Package Manager (NPM) must be installed on your Mac. The software can be installed by using HomeBrew, as follows:

  2. Install the Yeoman template generator on your machine from NPM:

  3. Install the Yeoman generator that you prefer by following the steps in the getting started documentation. To create Service Fabric applications by using Yeoman, follow these steps:

  4. After you install the generators, create guest executable or container services by running yo azuresfguest or yo azuresfcontainer, respectively.

  5. To build a Service Fabric Java application on your Mac, JDK version 1.8 and Gradle must be installed on the host machine. The software can be installed by using HomeBrew, as follows:


    Current versions of brew cask install java may install a more recent version of the JDK.Be sure to install JDK 8.


Deploy your application on your Mac from the terminal

After you create and build your Service Fabric application, you can deploy your application by using the Service Fabric CLI:

  1. Connect to the Service Fabric cluster that is running inside the container instance on your Mac:

  2. From inside your project directory, run the install script:

Set up .NET Core 2.0 development

Install the .NET Core 2.0 SDK for Mac to start creating C# Service Fabric applications. Packages for .NET Core 2.0 Service Fabric applications are hosted on, which is currently in preview.

Install the Service Fabric plug-in for Eclipse on your Mac

Azure Service Fabric provides a plug-in for Eclipse Neon (or later) for the Java IDE. The plug-in simplifies the process of creating, building, and deploying Java services. To install or update the Service Fabric plug-in for Eclipse to the latest version, follow these steps. The other steps in the Service Fabric for Eclipse documentation are also applicable: build an application, add a service to an application, uninstall an application, and so on.

The last step is to instantiate the container with a path that is shared with your host. The plug-in requires this type of instantiation to work with the Docker container on your Mac. For example:

The attributes are defined as follows:

  • /Users/sayantan/work/workspaces/mySFWorkspace is the fully qualified path of the workspace on your Mac.
  • /tmp/mySFWorkspace is the path that is inside of the container to where the workspace should be mapped.


If you have a different name/path for your workspace, update these values in the docker run command.

If you start the container with a name other than sfonebox, update the name value in the file in your Service Fabric actor Java application.

Next steps

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Starting in December 2018, the Azure PowerShell Az module is in general release and is now the intendedPowerShell module for interacting with Azure. Az offers shorter commands, improved stability, andcross-platform support. Az also has feature parity with AzureRM, giving you an easy migrationpath.

With the Az module, Azure PowerShell is now compatible with PowerShell 5.1 on Windows and PowerShell Core 6.xand later on all supported platforms - including Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Az is a new module, so the version has been reset to 1.0.0.

Why a new module?

Major updates can be inconvenient, so it's important that we let you know why the decision was made tointroduce a new set of modules, with new cmdlets, for interacting with Azure from PowerShell.

Download and install or reinstall Office 365 or Office 2019 on a PC or Mac. Once the download has completed, open Finder, go to Downloads, and double-click Microsoft Office installer.pkg file. Launch an Office for Mac app and start the activation process. Office 365 customers get the new Office for Mac first. You’ll have Office applications on your Mac or PC, apps on tablets and smartphones for when you're on the. Where to download microsoft office mac. Office for Mac微软官方正版下载购买 最新Office 2019取代Office 2016 for Mac, 同时适用Mac/Windows, 订阅Office 365享受Mac iOS等多台设备办公.获得Mac办公最佳体验. Office 365 的 Office for Mac,让你能从几乎任何地方灵活地完成工作。找到适合你的 Office。 快速开始使用 Word、Excel、PowerPoint、Outlook 和 OneNote 的全新新式版本 - 结合了你喜爱的 Office 熟悉功能和. Important note for Office 365 subscriptions: After September 22, 2016, Office 2011 for Mac is no longer available for installation with an Office 365 subscription.This doesn't affect one-time purchases of Office for Mac 2011 such as, Office Home and Student, Office Home and Business, or Office Professional.

The biggest and most important change is that PowerShell has been a cross-platform product since theintroduction of PowerShell Core 6.x, based on the .NET Standard library.We're committed to bringing Azure support to all platforms, which means that the Azure PowerShell modulesneeded to be updated to use .NET Standard and be compatible with PowerShell Core. Rather than taking theexisting AzureRM module and introduce complex changes to add this support, the Az module was created.

Creating a new module also gave our engineers the opportunity to make the design and naming of cmdletsand modules consistent. All modules now start with the Az. prefix and cmdlets all use theVerb-AzNoun form. Previously, cmdlet names were not only longer, there were inconsistenciesin cmdlet names.

The number of modules was also reduced: Some modules which worked with the same services have been rolledtogether, and management plane and data plane cmdlets are now contained all within single modules for theirservices. For those of you who manually manage dependencies and imports, this makes things much simpler.

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By making these important changes that required building a new Azure PowerShell module, the team hascommitted to making it easier than ever, and on more platforms than previously possible, to useAzure with PowerShell cmdlets.

Upgrade to Az

Add Azure Powershell

To keep up with the latest Azure features in PowerShell, you should migrate to the Az module as soon aspossible. If you're not ready to install the Az module as a replacement for AzureRM, you have a couple ofoptions available to experiment with Az:

  • Use a PowerShell environment with Azure Cloud Shell.Azure Cloud Shell is a browser-based shell environment which comes with the Az module installed and Enable-AzureRMcompatibility aliases enabled.
  • Keep the AzureRM module installed with PowerShell 5.1 for Windows, but install the Az module for PowerShell Core 6.xor later. PowerShell 5.1 for Windows and PowerShell Core use separate collections of modules. Follow the instructionsto install PowerShell Core and theninstall the Az module from a PowerShell Core terminal.

To upgrade from an existing AzureRM install:

  1. OPTIONAL: Enable compatibility mode to add aliases for AzureRM cmdlets withEnable-AzureRMAlias while you become familiar withthe new command set. See the next section or Start migration from AzureRM to Azfor more details.

Migrate existing scripts to Az

The new cmdlet names have been designed to be easy to learn. Instead of using AzureRm or Azurein cmdlet names, use Az. For example, the old command New-AzureRMVm has become New-AzVm.Migration is more than just becoming familiar with the new cmdlet names, though: There are renamedmodules, parameters, and other important changes.

To help you with the process of migration from AzureRM to Az, we've got a number of resources:

  • The Enable-AzureRmAlias cmdlet

The Az module has a compatibility mode to help you use existing scripts while youupdate to the new syntax. The Enable-AzureRmAliascmdlet enables a compatibility mode through aliases, to allow you to use existing scripts with minimalmodification while working towards a full migration to Az.


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Even though the cmdlet names are aliased, there may still be new (or renamed) parameters or changedreturn values for the Az cmdlets. Don't expect enabling aliases to take care of the migrationfor you! See the full breaking changes list to find where your scripts mayrequire updates.

Continued support for AzureRM

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AzureRM will no longer receive new cmdlets or features. However, the AzureRM module is still officially maintainedand will get bug fixes through December 2020.